Welcome to BlackWebSuccess where we celebrate the achievements of African American entrepreneurs with a strong emphasis on those who achieve success online from creating and running successful websites.

Here you’ll find information about these entrepreneurs along with interviews on how these captivating persons obtained their success. We also post motivational blog articles that provide tips and inspiration to help you achieve your own empowering entrepreneurial success.


There are a couple of reasons that BlackWebSuccess exists. Internet business is on fire right now, and a lot of people are making huge money, but it seems that many of our African American brothers and sisters are missing the boat.

Although countless hours are spent online, many of our people don’t even know that money can be made on the internet unless you’re some super nerdy computer geek or a huge billion dollar corporation. We intend to correct that perspective by showing that not only are everyday regular people running viable businesses and/or side hustles online, but our black people are right in the mix of it all even if they don’t get the mainstream coverage.

Our main theme for BlackWebSuccess is to show empowerment through entrepreneurship by presenting powerful information for you to learn from, successful entrepreneur examples for you to emulate, and how-to instructions to show you what to do to create your own success. We will further use this platform to emphasize the following three points:

  • We want to build awareness of Black web entrepreneurs who are doing good work so that it can be known that they do exist so that we can support them.
  • We want to use their successes as a blueprint to inspire other Black people to pursue empowerment through entrepreneurship.
  • We want to build an online community of Black web entrepreneurs so that we can network and do business with each other as both service providers and customers.


My name is Terance Owens, and I’m a web entrepreneur that loves hip hop, sports, traveling, and a whole gang of stuff that you probably could care less about. I’m just a regular guy, maybe I’m too regular.


I created my first website way back in 2004. I self-published a book under

Terance Owens at Stax Museum

a pseudonym and I had my brother, a computer engineer, to build me a website for me to sell it on. The website that he built for me looked like crap, and because I didn’t like it, I figured out how to build a better one myself. It looked like crap too, but it looked better than his.

My only purpose was to sell my books, and that’s exactly what I did. Even though I was making money from my product, I wasn’t trying to be a web entrepreneur. It was truly just a side hustle for me. I didn’t think too much could come from my website because at an earlier time before I built it, I remembered seeing an “expert” on TV who said that no one was making money on the internet except the porn sites and I definitely didn’t want to go that route.

Thankfully, I started seeing other stories in the media about regular everyday folks who were making good money with websites. One guy I remember was making a passive income of a couple of hundred bucks a month with Google Adsense from a primitive looking website about honeybees. This really inspired me and my mind started clicking. Since I already knew how to build a website, and had proven that I could make money, I started taking web business a whole lot more serious.

I created one website, then another and really fell in love with web entrepreneurship and all that goes into it. I consume all kinds of information on the subject and I love the inspirational success stories of all kinds of regular people who make viable livings all from owning a website and often while working from their own homes.

I enjoy those success stories even more when it’s about someone black like me and I would seek out other black web entrepreneur success stories. Sadly though, there were not very many, not because there aren’t many successes, but rather because their stories just aren’t being told by the mainstream.

This inspired me to create BlackWebSuccess with the purpose of connecting with successful black website owners and sharing their motivational success stories to see what gems can be mined from them to teach other aspiring black web entrepreneurs.

Okay, let me end this before I talk you death about myself and the things that I like. Before I wrap this up though, I do want to say thank you a million times for visiting BlackWebSuccess and I hope that my site can be an enjoyable visit for you. Feel free to comment on the blogs, and I look forward to what you have to say. One last thing, I’m always keeping an eye out for black websites and black web entrepreneurs to help promote and write about so that we can all support them. If you know of any that I don’t, or if you are a black web entrepreneur yourself, then please head over to my contact page or find me on social media and drop me a message and let me know about them.


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